妤把我志快找,<br>妖快 技抉忍忘 忱忘 扼我 折快找忘 扭抉投忘找忘 志 技抉技快扶找忘 戒忘 扼抓忪忘抖快扶我快, 找忘抗忘 折快 扶攸技忘技 我忱快攸 抗忘抗志抉 扼抓技 扭把抉扭批扼扶忘抖忘 抉找 抉忌扼抓忪忱忘扶我攸找忘 找批抗 ;(<br>. 孝找把快 扼批找把我扶找忘 抉找 抉扳我扼忘 投快 扶忘志忘扼抗忘技.<br><br>妙快忪忱批志把快技快扶扶抉, 快找抉 我 技抉我找快 志抓扭把抉扼我 抗抓技 圻把我抗 抉找 EFF - 技抉抖攸 忌抓忱快找快 投快忱把我 扼 抗抉技快扶找忘把我 我 扭抉扭把忘志抗我, 折快 扶快 扼快 折批志扼找志忘技 忱抉扼找忘找抓折扶抉 批志快把快扶忘 扼 忘扶忍抖我抄扼抗我攸 扼我 志 技抉技快扶找忘: :) 妤抉扶快忱快抖扶我抗 投快 技批 忍我 扭批扼扶忘...
        <meta http-equiv="CONTENT-TYPE" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"><title></title><meta name="GENERATOR" content="OpenOffice.org 2.2 (Linux)"><meta name="AUTHOR" content="Gorry"><meta name="CREATED" content="20071014;16250500">
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<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;" lang="en-US">What makes to battle for
protection of our rights in the digital world a different one? What
are the most common threats and violations?
<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;" lang="en-US">Are the EU-legislation
authorities deliberately trying to scare and to criminalize the
private Internet users - with directives like IPRED2? Or it is rather
due to oversight?</p>
<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;" lang="en-US">Is there a date for second
reading voting of the IPRED2? What are your expectations, hopes and
<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;" lang="en-US">Do the authorities
fighting the organized crime have a point to persuade and frighten
the normal, legal Internet users?</p>
<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;" lang="en-US">What are a blogger's
rights? And what laws and rules do the bloggers themselves violate
most often?</p>
<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;" lang="en-US">Are there any claims
against European bloggers? In which EU country the bloggers are most
secured and protected? Are you familiar with the situation in
<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;" lang="en-US">What happened to the
software patents in Europe 每 have they been really and finally
rejected or just the debate has moved on to another level?</p>
<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;" lang="en-US">EU has accepted a number
of declarations, programs and strategies about encouraging and
supporting the innovations, eduction and technologies. Are they
implemented in the practice at sufficient degree?</p>
<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;" lang="en-US">EU encourages the use of
open standards Europe-wide, especially in the electronic
communication of the government with its citizens. Is there a
possibility EU to sanction a country who don't comply?</p>
<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;" lang="en-US">
<span lang="en-US">EFF,
FFII and other organizations look to a broad public support from the
EU citizens. How much the EU institutions are influenced by the
public opinion and pressure? As for Bulgaria - not much, for now.</span></p>
<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;" lang="en-US"><span lang="en-US">What do
you expect from OpenFest 2007? </span>