To indicate
underlining, surround the material with _underscores_.
Use this for book references as well -- for example, this book is
called _Netiquette_.
Some people rant about oversized or silly signatures. But from a time-wasting point of view, they're not really that big a deal. Since they're
automatically inserted at the end of the message, you can read the
whole message without looking at the whole sig. On the other hand, the
force of human curiosity that drives us onto the net in the first place
makes it hard for many of us to ignore screens full of type, even if we
know there's probably nothing worth reading there.
One positive aspect of sigs is that they often contain "offline" contact
information. This can actually save time and bandwidth because it
allows people to respond privately by telephone or by (gasp) U.S. mail.
By placing an email address in a sig, the sender is also hedging against
the chance that the email "header" message may get garbled in transit.
In most situations, Netiquette frowns on excessive sigs and smiles on
pithy ones. Keep in mind that some public access Internet sites automatically restrict sigs to four lines. Silly sigs are definitely not recommended for business correspondence -- see "Electronic Mail at Work"
page 91 for a discussion of the rules of business email.